Ad Partner Elite
Our Audience

Our audience is typically very engaged, more educated, and affluent than the average American home. They actively connect with our trusted and longstanding advertisers through network television, radio, and various digital platforms.

Ad Partner Elite - We Tell Your Story

We are your full-service media partner. From creating compelling and engaging content, to distributing it on every major platform including radio, television, podcast, and original docu-series, AsaRx Media is your global trusted voice on healthy storytelling. 

Each ad partner is looking for a return on investment. But ROI is more than just product moving and revenue increases. ROI is about building brand credibility and trust, so it creates a win-win for our listeners and advertising partners.

TV Show
Radio Show
Reality TV docu-series

Our Audience


0 %
0 %


Millennials (18-34)
0 %
Gen X (35-50)
0 %
Baby Boomers (51-69)
0 %


Average Household Income

$ 0

38% households have an income greater than $100K

0 %


shopped an advertiser on the show
0 %
purchased from an advertiser on the show
0 %

Everyday listeners spend 57 minutes with the show each day

00: 0

Impact on the Lives of Our Listeners

See for yourself

Ad Partner Elite Opportunities

The trust that our listeners have with Doctor Asa and our network show brand is strong, and it is a responsibility we take very seriously when partnering with a new ad partner. Our team works with each new partner  in locating and dialing in the best platforms and developing a relevant message to tell your story. We also make a winning pathway and follow through with it in measuring results and progression in the process.

Elite All-Inclusive Package

Our full service elite package includes all of your complete storytelling design and distribution in all of our networks including television, radio, podcast, social media channels, and streaming networks. We also will create custom realty show docu-series just like we have done for The Discovery Channel, Lifetime, and other cable networks. 

After almost two decades, Doctor Asa and our original network outlets and shows can be heard on more than 600 affiliates nationwide and reaches close to 300 million total audience nationally and globally. 

Digital Network

Our digital platforms are ranked #1 in all health categories

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